The Conference
Welcome to the home page of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2020). HSCC 2020 is the 23rd in a series of conferences on all aspects of hybrid systems. It is dedicated to advancing design and analysis techniques that bridge control theory and computer science, and is expanding to new domains in security and privacy and in systems biology. The conference covers the range from theoretical results to practical applications and experiences in cyber-physical systems (CPS), mixed signal circuits, robotics, infrastructure networks, and biological models.
HSCC 2020 will be part of the thirteenth Cyber Physical Systems Week (CPS Week), and co-located with the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), the Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IOTDI), and related workshops.
The program for HSCC 2020 can be found here.
Important dates
Paper submission deadline: October 23, 2019 (AOE)
Tool paper repeatability package submission deadline: October 28, 2019 (AOE)
Rebuttal phase: December 5-8, 2019
Acceptance/rejection notifications: December 27th, 2019
Regular paper repeatability package submission deadline: January 09, 2020
Poster/demo session submission: January 31, 2020 (notification February 7, 2020)
Camera-ready: February 14, 2020
Conference dates: April 21-24, 2020
Visa and Travel
For information regarding visa and travel, please consult the CPS-IoT website. Any additional questions should be directed towards the CPS-IoT organizers.
đź“ś Paper submission information
HSCC invites submissions in the categories of (1) regular papers including special track papers, and (2) case study and tool papers. We will employ a double blind reviewing process and will have a rebuttal phase to provide authors the opportunity to reply to reviewer concerns.
Regular Papers
Regular papers including papers submitted to three special tracks.
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in CPS
- Design Automation for CPS
- Autonomy and Robotics
10 pages max*
10pt font
two-column ACM format
Tool and Case Study Papers
Tool papers will be judged on the significance, clarity, and novelty of the implemented tool/technique described in the paper.
Case study papers should report the evaluation of a technique or tool on a challenging application and/or benchmarks.
6 pages max*
10pt font
two-column ACM format
*Excluding references
Templates for the ACM format are available for Microsoft Word and LaTeX here.
Submission Guidelines
- Submission website: EasyChair submission link.
- Paper submissions are encouraged to be preceded by an abstract submission.
- HSCC 2020 will employ light double-blind reviewing (click here for details).
- The conflict of interest policy we shall be following during the review process can be found here.
Additional information on publication policies are given below.
Reproducability and Repeatability
We consider reproducibility and repeatability of the results presented in the tool/case study papers an important aspect of such papers. While submission of a repeatability evaluation package is not mandatory, we strongly encourage the authors to submit such a package at the time of paper submission. Tool or case study papers with a repeatability evaluation package will be judged on the merit of both the paper itself, but also on the repeatability of the presented results. Tool/Case study papers not accompanied by a RE package would be judged on the strength of the benchmarks (e.g. large-scale industrial/proprietary benchmarks), or the role of the tool as a component in a complex tool-chain ecosystem. Instructions on preparing and submitting the repeatability evaluation package can be found here.
- Tool/Case Study Paper Repeatability Package Submission Deadline: OCTOBER 28, 2019 (AOE)
- Regular Paper Repeatability Package Submission Deadline: January 09, 2020
Note for tool/case study paper authors on double-blind process: While we expect the tool/case study papers submitted to the main conference to follow the double-blind instructions, the RE packages do not need to be anonymized. Therefore please remove any links to a repository that could reveal your identity from the paper but include these in your RE package submission. RE packages and papers will be evaluated by different committees. RE committee's findings will be communicated to the regular reviewers of the paper before the final decisions are made.
Poster/Demo Session and Submission Information
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) 2020 is the 23rd in a series of conferences focusing on original research on concepts, tools, and techniques from computer science, control theory, and applied mathematics for the analysis and control of hybrid dynamical systems with an emphasis on computational aspects. By drawing on strategies from computation and control, the hybrid systems field offers techniques that are applicable to both man-made cyber-physical systems (ranging from small robots to global infrastructure networks) and natural systems (ranging from biochemical networks to physiological models). Posters and demos in the conference are expected to range over a wide spectrum of topics from theoretical results to practical considerations, and from academic research to industrial adoption. Posters and demos covering design automation, tools, and benchmarks are especially welcome.
Posters presented at the conference will provide an opportunity for conference attendees to interact with researchers in an informal setting. Posters may be about already accepted papers, ongoing research projects, discussions on new problem statements, or preview of late-breaking results.
Demos will give the audience a closer look at tools and techniques, and offer an interactive experience with the demonstrated entities. The selection criteria for acceptance will be: novelty, technical merit, relevance to HSCC and, especially for demos, details on the presentation. If desired and not previously published, abstracts up to 2 page in length describing the poster or demo will be included for publication in the electronic proceedings of HSCC.
These sessions are an excellent way to exchange ideas and for presenters to obtain feedback from the attendees. A Best Poster/Demo prize will be awarded and announced during the conference and on the website.
Poster/Demo Important dates:
- Submission deadline: January 31, 2020 (AoE)
- Acceptance notification: February 7, 2020
- Final version submission: February 14, 2020
Poster/Demo Submissions:
Submissions consist of an extended abstract of no more than two pages in the ACM template at: Abstracts should be submitted via EasyChair:
Maximum 2 pages, 9pt font, two-column ACM format, title should begin with "Poster:" Poster presentations do not have to describe completed work. Poster abstracts can report ongoing or preliminary research work, present case studies, or discuss new research directions. Previously published work may be submitted as a poster, but in such cases, the abstract will not appear in the proceedings (specified by an option in the submission system). An easel will be provided for all posters.
Maximum 2 pages, 9pt font, two-column ACM format, title should begin with "Demo:"
Conference Scope
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) 2020 is the 23rd in a series of conferences focusing on original research on concepts, tools, and techniques from computer science, control theory, and applied mathematics for the analysis and control of hybrid dynamical systems with an emphasis on computational aspects. By drawing on strategies from computation and control, the hybrid systems field offers techniques that are applicable to both man-made cyber-physical systems (ranging from small robots to global infrastructure networks) and natural systems (ranging from biochemical networks to physiological models). Papers in the conference are expected to range over a wide spectrum of topics from theoretical results to practical considerations, and from academic research to industrial adoption.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
- Mathematical foundations, computability and complexity
- Analysis, verification, validation, and testing
- Modeling paradigms and techniques
- Design, synthesis, planning, and control
- Nonlinear and safety-critical control
- Programming and specification languages
- Network science and network-based control
- Security, privacy, and resilience for cyber-physical systems with focus on computation and control
- Autonomy, artificial intelligence and machine learning in CPS
- Design automation for CPS, including design formalisms, techniques and tools for the above topics
- Applications and industrial case studies in: automotive, transportation, autonomous systems, avionics, energy and power, robotics, medical devices, manufacturing, systems and synthetic biology, models for the life sciences, and other related areas.
Special tracks
This year, HSCC will have three special tracks on interdisciplinary topics of increasing interest and importance to CPS: (1) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in CPS (autonomous and semi-autonomous CPS, learning-based CPS, deep learning, intersection of robotics/AI and CPS, etc.), and (2) Design Automation for CPS (modeling, specification, verification, synthesis, composition, hierarchy, languages, etc. for CPS design). (3) Autonomy and Robotics. The submission requirements and review process for special track papers will be the same as regular papers. The main reason to have a special track is to broaden the HSCC pool of papers in the direction of these topics.
🏆 Awards and Badges
ACM SIGBED Best Paper Award:
All regular papers will be automatically eligible for this award.
Test-Of-Time Award:
Recognizes the work published at a HSCCe in 2010 or before. See link for details. Previous winners can be found here.
Best Demo/Poster:
All demos and posters accepted for presentation at HSCC’20 will be eligible for the best demo/poster award.
Repeatability evaluation:
Papers that pass repeatability evaluation process will receive the "artifact evaluated" badge and there will be a Best RE Award.
Program Committee Chairs
Aaron AmesCalifornia Institute of Technology, USA Sanjit SeshiaUniversity of California, Berkeley, USA
Steering Committee:
(Chair) Paulo TabuadaUCLA, USA Claire TomlinUniversity of California, Berkeley, USA John LygerosETH Zurich, Switzerland Martin FränzleUniversität Oldenburg, Germany Rajeev AlurUniversity of Pennsylvania, USA Thao DangVerimag, CNRS, France
Repeatability Evaluation Chairs
Sergiy BogomolovAustralian National University, Australia
Bardh HoxhaSouthern Illinois University, USA
Publicity Chair
Ricardo SanfeliceUniversity of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Proceedings Chair
Jyotirmoy DeshmukhUniversity of Southern California, USA
Demo/Poster Session Chair
Taylor JohnsonVanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
Awards Chair
Meeko Oishi University of New Mexico, USA
Program Committee
- Alessandro Abate University of OxfordUnited Kingdom
- Aaron Ames California Institute of TechnologyUnited States
- Nikos Arechiga Toyota Research InstituteUnited States
- Ebru Aydin Gol Middle East Technical UniversityTurkey
- Ezio Bartocci Vienna University of TechnologyAustria
- Sergiy Bogomolov Australian National UniversityAustralia
- Samuel Coogan Georgia Institute of TechnologyUnited States
- Thao Dang CNRS/VERIMAGFrance
- Jin Song DongNational University of SingaporeSingapore
- Tommaso Dreossi Amazon A9United States
- RĂĽdiger Ehlers Clausthal University of TechnologyGermany
- Georgios Fainekos Arizona State UniversityUnited States
- Chuchu Fan University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUnited States
- Lu Feng University of VirginiaUnited States
- Shromona Ghosh WaymoUnited States
- Ichiro Hasuo National Institute of InformaticsJapan
- Ayonga Heried Ohio State UniversityUnited States
- Hisahiro Ito MathWorks, UKUnited Kingdom
- Jean-Baptiste Jeannin University of MichiganUnited States
- Susmit Jha SRI InternationalUnited States
- Taylor T Johnson Vanderbilt UniversityUnited States
- Raphaël Jungers UCLouvainBelgium
- Maryam Kamgarpour ETH ZurichSwitzerland
- Shishir Kolathaya Indian Institute of ScienceIndia
- Navinda Kottege CSIROAustralia
- Jerome Le Ny Polytechnique MontrealCanada
- Wenchao Li Boston UniversityUnited States
- Rupak Majumdar MPI-SWSGermany
- Nikolai Matni University of PennsylvaniaUnited States
- Manuel Mazo Jr. Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
- Pierluigi Nuzzo University of Southern CaliforniaUnited States
- Denny OetomoUniversity of MelbourneAustralia
- Meeko Oishi University of New MexicoUnited Stateas
- Dimitra Panagou University of MichiganUnited States
- Paritosh Pandya TIFRIndia
- Ioannis Poulakakis University of DelawareUnited States
- Pavithra Prabhakar Kansas State UniversityUnited States
- Sylvie Putot École PolytechniqueFrance
- Partha Roop The University of AucklandNew Zealand
- Krishna S IIT BombayIndia
- Indranil Saha Indian Institute of Technology KanpurIndia
- Sriram Sankaranarayanan University of Colorado BoulderUnited States
- Sanjit A. Seshia University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
- Yasser Shoukry University of MarylandUnited States
- Koushil Sreenath University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
- Paulo Tabuada University of California, Los AngelesUnited States
- Ashish Tiwari Microsoft United States
- Jana Tumova KTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden
- Rafael Wisniewski Aalborg UniversityDenmark
- Insoon Yang Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea
- Majid Zamani University of Colorado BoulderUnited States
- Naijun Zhan Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences China
Repeatability Evaluation Program Committee
- Houssam AbbasOregon State University USA
- Anand BalakrishnanUniversity of Southern California USA
- Gidon ErnstLMU Munich Germany
- Souradeep DuttaUniversity of Colorado Boulder USA
- Md. Ariful IslamTexas Tech University USA
- Zhihao JiangShanghaiTech University China
- Yiannis KantarosUniversity of Pennsylvania USA
- Nikolaos KekatosUniv. Grenoble Alpes France
- Hui KongHuawei Technologies Co. Ltd China
- Soonho KongToyota Research Institute USA
- Ratan LalKansas State University USA
- Sibin MohanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA
- Marco MunizAalborg University Denmark
- Luan NguyenUniversity of Notre Dame USA
- Adina M. PancheaUniversité Paris Saclay France
- Hadi RavanbakhshUniversity of California, Berkeley USA
- David ŠafránekMasaryk University Czech Republic
- Stefan SchuppRWTH Aachen Germany
- Hoang-Dung TranVanderbilt University USA
- Timothy WangUnited Technologies Research Center USA
- Shakiba YaghoubiArizona State University USA
- Junxing YangStony Brook University USA
- Aditya ZutshiGalois USA
Poster/Demo Program Committee
- Somil BansalUniversity of California, BerkeleyUSA
- Nathalie CauchiUniversity of OxfordUK
- Jana DražanováMasaryk UniversityCzech Republic
- Souradeep DuttaUniversity of Colorado BoulderUSA
- Kerianne HobbsAir Force Research LaboratoryUSA
- Chao HuangNorthwestern UniversityUSA
- Taylor T Johnson (chair)Vanderbilt UniversityUSA
- Luan Viet NguyenUniversity of Notre DameUSA
- Hoang-Dung TranVanderbilt UniversityUSA
- Abraham P. VinodUniversity of Texas, AustinUSA
- Anne-Kathrin SchmuckMax-Planck-Institute for Software SystemsGermany
- Andrew SogokonUniversity of SouthamptonUK
- Masaki WagaNational Institute of InformaticsJapan
- Weiming XiangAugusta UniversityUSA
- Bai XueChinese Academy of Sciences China
- Shakiba YaghoubiArizona State University USA